The Quaker community of Ballymurray, Co. Roscommon, 1717–1848
The Quaker community of Ballymurray, Co. Roscommon, 1717–1848
Jacqueline née Creaven d’Towey
This volume considers the arrival of The Society of Friends/Quakers to Ballymurray in 1717, their relationship with local landowners the Croftons of Mote Park, and the challenges they encountered until the final discontinuance of Ballymurray Quaker meeting in 1848. They were unique as the only long-term pre-Famine Quaker community west of the Shannon. The book assesses attempts to build a prosperous community through the introduction of Quakers and their attempts to establish a linen industry. Although the community survived for 130 years, they were always a minority, dependent on the larger Protestant population of Roscommon for marriage partners. As a community, they never flourished due to the small marriage pool, their dependence on agriculture, the lack of manufacturing opportunities and the restrictions placed upon them by their religion.
Jacqueline née Creaven d’Towey is a genealogist with a certificate in Genealogy from UL History of Family 2018 and a MA Local History University Limerick 2022. Her dissertation focused on the Quaker community of Ballymurray from 1717 to 1848 and their relationship with the local landlords and wider community of strong farmers of the area. Other areas of research interest are Lady Augusta Crofton Dillon/ Lady Clonbrock, the linen manufacture of South Roscommon and early transportation of goods between the midlands and the east coast.
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