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Destination | Ireland, UK & Northern Ireland, Europe, Rest Of The World |
Richly illustrated, this book is a valuable resource not just for the people of Roscommon, but a template for memorial studies in other counties.
This research began in 2012 with the study of the grave memorials of the late 17th century to the 1860’s in Ballintober Old, Co. Roscommon. The richness of memorial work here is indication of the importance of Ballintober and the O’Conor family. A catalogue of these memorials, including the full inscription, photo and references is given.
Details: 528 A4 pages, 1,331 colour images, hardback only.
Mary B. Timoney, originally from Waterford and living in south Sligo, has been researching graveyard memorials since 1984. She received an M. A. from UCC in 2001 for her study of ‘The Decorated Box Tombs of the Skreen School, Co. Sligo, c. 1780 – 1850’. In 2005 she published ‘Had Me Made, A Study of the Grave Memorials of Co. Sligo fro c. 1650 to the Present’. She has lectured and published on grave memorials in Co.s Cavan, Monaghan, Roscommon and Sligo as well as on the Association for the Preservation of the Memorials of the Dead, Ireland, and on the care of graveyards.
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Destination | Ireland, UK & Northern Ireland, Europe, Rest Of The World |
Due to a Health & Safety review, we are not currently bringing visitors into the cave during our site tours until further notice. |