Emania Vol.16, 1997 – Focus on Warfare


Emania Vol.16, 1997

Bulletin of the Navan Research Group –

Focus on Warfare

Emania is the premier interdisciplinary journal publishing original research on Ireland’s Celtic past. The main focus of the journal is on the Ulster Cycle of tales, the ancient ‘Royal Sites’ of Ireland and the archaeology and environment of Ireland in the period from the Late Bronze Age until the Early Medieval period.

(Please see below for full list of contents)

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Emania Vol.16, 1997, Bulletin of the Navan Research Group – Focus on Warfare


Sadowska, Ewa: “Horses Led by a Mare” — martial aspects of Táin Bó Cúailnge, 5-48.
Sayers, William: Contracting for combat: flyting and fighting in Táin Bó Cúailnge, 49-62.
Lyle, Emily: Age grades, age classes and alternate succession: a restatement of the basis at the societal level of Indo-European symbolic partition, 63-71.
Jennings, Rachel: A translation of the Tochmarc Treblainne, 73-78.


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